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Liam Nelson
Liam Nelson

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What is Lisrel 88 and How to Download it for Free?

Lisrel 88 is a software package that allows you to perform various statistical analyses, such as factor analysis, structural equation modeling, multilevel modeling, and generalized linear modeling. It is widely used by researchers and practitioners in the fields of psychology, sociology, education, economics, and more. Lisrel 88 also includes other applications, such as PRELIS, MULTILEV, SURVEYGLIM, and MAPGLIM, that help you manipulate, transform, generate, and impute data.


The Benefits of Using Lisrel 88

Lisrel 88 has many advantages over other software packages for statistical analysis. Some of the benefits are:

  • It can handle complex data structures, such as multivariate, longitudinal, hierarchical, and clustered data.

  • It can estimate a wide range of models, such as linear and nonlinear models, latent variable models, mediation and moderation models, growth curve models, and mixture models.

  • It can deal with missing data and measurement errors using various methods, such as maximum likelihood estimation, multiple imputation, and full information maximum likelihood.

  • It can test various hypotheses and fit indices using different criteria, such as chi-square tests, likelihood ratio tests, Akaike information criterion, Bayesian information criterion, root mean square error of approximation, and comparative fit index.

  • It can produce high-quality output and graphics that can be easily exported to other formats.

How to Download Lisrel 88 Full Version for Free

If you want to try Lisrel 88 for yourself, you can download the full version for free from the official website of Scientific Software International (SSI). SSI is the company that develops and distributes Lisrel 88. To download Lisrel 88 full version for free, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the SSI website at

  • Click on the "Free Downloads" tab on the left side of the page.

  • Choose between the free trial license or the free student edition. The free trial license expires 15 days after activation and does not include technical support. The free student edition has some limitations on the number of variables and data formats that can be used.

  • Fill out the form with your personal information and click on "Submit". You will receive an email with your activation code and a link to download the software.

  • Download the software from the link provided in the email and install it on your computer. You will need to enter your activation code during the installation process.

  • Enjoy using Lisrel 88 for your statistical analysis!


Lisrel 88 is a powerful software package that can help you perform various statistical analyses with ease and accuracy. It has many features and benefits that make it a popular choice among researchers and practitioners. You can download Lisrel 88 full version for free from the SSI website and use it for your own projects. However, if you want to get more support and updates from SSI, you may want to purchase a user license from their online store.

Some Examples of Using Lisrel 88 for SEM Analysis

Lisrel 88 can be used to test various hypotheses and models using SEM analysis. For example, you can use Lisrel 88 to:

  • Examine the relationships between customer satisfaction, loyalty, and profitability in a service context.

  • Investigate the effects of leadership styles, organizational culture, and employee motivation on organizational performance.

  • Explore the factors that influence consumer behavior, such as attitudes, beliefs, values, and personality traits.

  • Analyze the impact of social media usage, online reviews, and word-of-mouth on brand awareness and purchase intention.

  • Evaluate the validity and reliability of a new scale or instrument for measuring a psychological construct.

How to Learn More About Lisrel 88 and SEM Analysis

If you want to learn more about Lisrel 88 and SEM analysis, there are many resources available online and offline. Some of the resources are:

  • The official website of SSI at, where you can find more information about the software features, user manuals, tutorials, examples, and FAQs.

  • The book "A Primer on Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM)" by Hair et al. (2017), which provides a comprehensive introduction to PLS-SEM and its applications in various disciplines.

  • The online course "Structural Equation Modeling in R with lavaan" by UCLA at, which teaches you how to perform SEM analysis in R using the lavaan package.

  • The journal "Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal" by Taylor & Francis at, which publishes original research articles on SEM theory and methodology.

  • The online community "SEMNET" at, which is a discussion forum for SEM researchers and practitioners.


Lisrel 88 is a powerful software package that can help you perform various statistical analyses with ease and accuracy. It has many features and benefits that make it a popular choice among researchers and practitioners. You can download Lisrel 88 full version for free from the SSI website and use it for your own projects. However, if you want to get more support and updates from SSI, you may want to purchase a user license from their online store. You can also learn more about Lisrel 88 and SEM analysis from various resources online and offline.

What is the lavaan Package and How to Use it with Lisrel 88?

The lavaan package is an R package for structural equation modeling that is free, open-source, and easy to use. It can estimate a variety of SEM models, such as path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation modeling, and latent growth curve models. The lavaan package has many features and benefits that make it a popular choice among R users, such as:

  • It has a user-friendly syntax that allows you to specify your model using simple equations.

  • It can handle complex data structures, such as multivariate, longitudinal, hierarchical, and clustered data.

  • It can deal with missing data and measurement errors using various methods, such as maximum likelihood estimation, multiple imputation, and full information maximum likelihood.

  • It can test various hypotheses and fit indices using different criteria, such as chi-square tests, likelihood ratio tests, Akaike information criterion, Bayesian information criterion, root mean square error of approximation, and comparative fit index.

  • It can produce high-quality output and graphics that can be easily exported to other formats.

If you want to use the lavaan package with Lisrel 88, you can do so by following these steps:

  • Download and install R from

  • Download and install RStudio from

  • Install the lavaan package from CRAN by typing install.packages("lavaan") in the R console.

  • Load the lavaan package by typing library(lavaan) in the R console.

  • Import your data from Lisrel 88 by using the readLisrel() function in the lavaan package. For example, if your data file is called "mydata.dat", you can type mydata <- readLisrel("mydata.dat") in the R console.

  • Specify your model using the lavaan syntax. For example, if your model is the same as the one shown in Figure 1.1 of this article, you can type myModel <- ' # latent variables ind60 = x1 + x2 + x3 dem60 = y1 + y2 + y3 + y4 dem65 = y5 + y6 + y7 + y8 # regressions dem60 ind60 dem65 ind60 + dem60 # residual covariances y1 y5 y2 y4 + y6 y3 y7 y4 y8 y6 y8 ' in the R console.

  • Estimate your model using the sem() function in the lavaan package. For example, you can type fit <- sem(model = myModel, data = mydata) in the R console.

  • Summarize your results using the summary() function in the lavaan package. For example, you can type summary(fit) in the R console.


The lavaan package is a powerful R package for structural equation modeling that can be used with Lisrel 88 data. It has many features and benefits that make it a popular choice among R users. You can use the lavaan package with Lisrel 88 by following some simple steps. You can also learn more about the lavaan package and SEM analysis from various resources online and offline.

How to Find and Follow a Lisrel 88 Tutorial

If you are new to Lisrel 88 and want to learn how to use it for SEM analysis, you may want to find and follow a Lisrel 88 tutorial. A tutorial is a step-by-step guide that explains how to perform a specific task or analysis using Lisrel 88. A tutorial can help you understand the basic concepts and features of Lisrel 88, as well as provide you with practical examples and tips. There are many Lisrel 88 tutorials available online and offline. Some of the sources are:

  • The official website of SSI at, where you can find a section called "Lisrel Examples" that contains a collection of worked examples for various types of SEM models and analyses using Lisrel 88.

  • The book "Structural Equation Modeling with LISREL: Essentials and Advances" by Diamantopoulos and Siguaw (2000), which provides a comprehensive introduction to SEM using Lisrel 88, as well as advanced topics such as measurement invariance, multigroup analysis, and nonlinear effects.

  • The YouTube channel of Christian Wiradendi at, where you can find several videos on how to perform SEM using Lisrel 88, such as "Tutorial SEM (Structural Equation Modelling) Lisrel".

  • The website of Robert J. Williams at, where you can find a section called "Brief Overview of LISREL" that explains the basics of SEM using Lisrel 88, as well as some examples of decomposing correlations and testing mediation effects.


Lisrel 88 is a powerful software package that can help you perform various statistical analyses with ease and accuracy. It has many features and benefits that make it a popular choice among researchers and practitioners. You can download Lisrel 88 full version for free from the SSI website and use it for your own projects. However, if you want to get more support and updates from SSI, you may want to purchase a user license from their online store. You can also learn more about Lisrel 88 and SEM analysis from various resources online and offline, such as tutorials, books, videos, and websites.


In this article, we have introduced you to Lisrel 88, a software package for SEM analysis. We have discussed the benefits of using Lisrel 88, how to download it for free, how to use it with the lavaan package in R, and how to find and follow a Lisrel 88 tutorial. We hope that this article has helped you to understand the basics of Lisrel 88 and SEM analysis, and that you will be able to apply them to your own research projects. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at Thank you for reading! 6c859133af


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