Learn Sap Abap In 21 Days Pdf 16 _TOP_
We recommend to activate your planning areas every 90 days or with every new release. This is needed to enable further features and to improve performance. To find out when your planning areas were last activated, go to the Planning Areas app, and search for the planning area you are interested in. You can find the date of the last activation in the Activated On column. For more information, see the Model Configuration Guide.
Learn Sap Abap In 21 Days Pdf 16
Join this monthly call to interact with experts and your peers as they share news, lessons learned and best practices about SAP Cloud ALM for implementation and operations. Learn about concepts, strategy, the latest features, customer stories and more. With your one-time registration, you will receive monthly invitation e-mails to upcoming webinar events.
This session concludes the ALM for SAP S/4HANA webcasts, comparing SAP Cloud ALM and SAP Solution Manager. Today, Cay will focus on the topic IT Service Management and other services that are available in SAP Solution Manager but not in SAP Cloud ALM. You will learn which workarounds are available for you if you want to use SAP Cloud ALM but you require some of the ALM functionality not included yet.
Some people think that cloud operations is done by the cloud providers. But you know probably that this is not entirely true. It remains your responsibility to handle non-technical disruptions of your business processes. You take care of failure-free integration of separate components. You want to check if jobs have started in time. Or you want to check the performance of the applications. In this session, you will learn how both SAP Cloud ALM and SAP Solution Manager support you on this. And you will get a better understanding of which ALM solution fits better for your needs.
On a regular basis, we spotlight various aspects of Cloud Lifecycle Management. In the upcoming session we will talk about SAP Landscape Management Enterprise edition. It is a solution that acts as a central point of control and provides extensive automation capabilities to simplify the configuration, provisioning (clone, copy, refresh), monitoring, and management of SAP applications and associated infrastructure and services. It is a hybrid solution that can manage systems running on-premises and/or hyperscalers (Azure, AWS, GCP). It can be easily extended to work with other tools such as Infrastructure as Code to build powerful automation workflows. Join this session to learn more and watch live demos.
SAP Landscape Management Cloud is a new software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution to simplify the management of SAP systems running on hyperscalers (Azure, AWS, GCP). It provides analytics capabilities to optimize and reduce your infrastructure usage, get a centralized view on your system landscape, standardize and automate SAP operations and much more. Join this session to learn more and watch live demos.
On a regular basis, we spotlight various aspects of Cloud Lifecycle Management. In the upcoming session we will talk about how to deploy SAP systems quickly and easily in your cloud environment. Would you like to build a demo system that already contains scenarios in less than an hour? Would you like to test a new release and spend as little time as possible on the installation? Or are you looking for a straightforward way to install SAP S/4HANA including the current FPS for productive use? In this session you will learn what new possibilities SAP Cloud Appliance Library offers here and how you can benefit from its integration into SAP installation and configuration tools.
SAP recently announced a new release and maintenance strategy for SAP S/4HANA. Attend this session to understand the new release strategy, learn about extended maintenance options that will be offered to customers running releases 1709, 1809 and 1909 of SAP S/4HANA. Define your new upgrade strategy for SAP S/4HANA.
SAP Enterprise Support value maps are an empowerment and collaboration program which leads you through the knowledge, skills, and services needed to address business challenges and thrive in the cloud. Join this session to learn how value maps can help you realize lasting value from your SAP solutions powered by SAP Business Technology Platform by providing direct access to SAP experts, collaboration forums, high-impact learning, and prescriptive guidance.
Performing regular maintenance of SAP S/4HANA is important to attain the latest innovations delivered by SAP. With the Zero Downtime Option of Software Update Manager, upgrades and updates of SAP S/4HANA can be applied without technical downtime. Get a comprehensive view on the zero-downtime procedure and learn how to leverage zero downtime in your upcoming maintenance event.
On a regular basis, we spotlight various aspects of Cloud Lifecycle Management. In the upcoming session we will talk about Intelligent Scenario Lifecycle Management (ISLM). It offers end-to-end Machine learning (ML) Ops support to build intelligent applications of various types: SAP HANA ML, models based ML services provisioned via SAP BTP. Often viewed as a self-service tool for non-ML experts, the ISLM component is stacked into SAP S/4HANA to help build machine learning scenarios in an SAP S/4HANA centric way.
Join us in this session to hear from our product team on how the solution can be leveraged to embed machine learning capabilities into SAP S/4HANA. Learn how ISLM enables standardized end-to-end lifecycle management operations and easy integration of machine learning capabilities into SAP S/4HANA with minimal coding.
The SAP for Me customer portal ( ) is the license-free central access point and the go-to destination to cover all your SAP engagements. The first event of the webcast series will bring you closer to the SAP for Me customer portal. In this session you will better understand the background, goals, and benefits of SAP for Me and learn how to:Get a 360-degree view of your products, including road maps and innovationsReview your SAP orders, licenses, invoices, consumption, and balance statements
Configuration is rapid and straight forward and usually a matter of days for a trained person. Practical experience with Java Programming plus basic knowledge of SAP technology, e. g. BAPI or IDoc, is essential. For error tracking, RFC and tRfc knowledge is helpful. As for ALE, SAP JCo is a transparent transport layer, so SAP JCo itself does not require ALE knowledge.
hi,I am using year dependent fiscal year means 2019 april to mar 2020. I have given year shift -1 also for jan to mar. still i am getting error while posting gl in todays date. the error for the varient sd is not defined periods for 2020. please suggest.
Me? Well I started my path into the SAP way back in 2002/2003 when my company told me to learn it so I could install it when I cam back from my project in Germany. I'm sure some noticed the odd bit about that statement. Needless to say I dove in and as luck would have it, SAP had just launched their beta of a Community (SDN) so coming from a web application background I felt at home to go figure things out.
@gwolf Was actually one of the first people who helped me to figure things out, my question asking left a lot to be desired as I had no clue about terminology or anything else in the SAP world. Then it was a post by @qmacro about RSS and RFC's that really got me more comfortable and then I just went crazy sharing my experiences and learnings via the blog posts.
When I started consulting in 2011, my "Dell needs to learn Java" project was a re-write of a utility I'd written in C# that pulls a bunch of info out of the CMS and spits it out to .csv files. That project has grown considerably and is now used for our clients by a number of my co-workers. Since then I've done beta testing for SAP when there are changes to the BOBJ SDKs because I have a wealth of code in both C# and Java that uses the SDKs.
Hello Neighbors & my extended SAP family!!I live and work in Malvern, Pennsylvania. I have been in the SAP domain for about 10 years, initially worked as a Sales & Distribution consultant and now working with a EdTech company helping them scale and revolutionize their SAP financial system. I am Principal Business Analyst in my current role.I have recently started participating in SAP community channels - Questions, Blogs and Coffee Corner. I write blogs for SAP communities and SAP Press. I am also amid writing a book for SAP Press. While my book and questions/answers are inclined towards connecting with fellow SAP pros on the technical front, my blogs are personal insights (sharing stories and lessons learnt).I would love to make connections with people from whom I can learn or pass on my learnings by bonding with them as collogue, friend or a mentor.
Converting OTF to PDF. By the way, OTF is the internal format of SAPScript. I wonder how many people remember OTF, much less SAPScript? I was reading the ABAP forums every day just to keep up on what people were asking and answering. There is so much to learn just by reading other people's problems. I started answering questions heavily, though, because we had a new infant at home which meant lots of late-night wake up calls. I'd have problems going back to sleep so I would spend hours on the ABAP Forums in the middle of the night.
The community was a little bit smaller in those early days. I'll leave you with two examples in pictures. Here was the first in person introduction I had to SDN at TechEd San Diego 2004. The entire presence was a table in the birds of a feather area with a small sign that read "SAP Developer Network"
You must learn from past lessons, and to repeat the same thing when nothing has changed is a sign of foolishness. I want not to look like a foor, so I plan to keep that "nap" until leechers could be haunted away. It's not that easy: the best way should be to use and enforce "bad karma", but SAP must keep its customers, so to shame community members will not be something we will see soon.